Information Design - Project 1

03/02/2023 - 24/02/2023 // (Week 4 - Week 7)
Denise Anjali // 0342430
Information Design // Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Project 1: Instructable Infographics

 Project 1: Instructable Infographics

We are told to chose a recipe from the Youtube channel Pasta Grannies and chunk the recipe into an infographic. I chose a video about tiramisu dessert from Treviso by Mara.

I started by watching the video and listing down all the steps taken to create the final dessert. Then I listed down the ingredients and started chunking the recipe into sections for the infographic. 

Image 1.1: Recipe instructions and ingredients list, Week 4

From this, I started sketching the layout and how the steps would be illustrated. 

Image 1.2: Infographic sketches, Week 4

I used images from the internet as my base when I started creating the assets in Illustrator for the infographic. Given that I would have to animate the infographic in After Effects later, I decided to complete the entire infographic poster in Illustrator from the get go. 

Image 1.3: Assets for the infographic, Week 5

In the corner of image 1.3 as well was an infographic that inspire the format of mine. I started by creating each step of the recipe using the assets. From the ingredients list to ingredient preparation to assembly and presentation. Then I arranged them together and played around with the background and title. In the end, I kept the background simple due to the amount of steps present in the recipe. 

Image 1.4: Process of designing infographic, Week 6

Here is the final version of the infographic. I went with the font Bodo Amat to give it a more handwritten feel as the granny who gave it was rather calm yet homey. This recipe has few ingredients but quite a few steps to form the final result. 

Image 1.5: Final infographic poster, Week 6

From the poster, I moved onto the animated version of the infographic. I mainly separated each step into scenes and then animated them on After Effects. The general format of each scene was similar to the image below. 

Image 1.6: Example of animating scene in Illustrator, Week 7

Here is the final animated infographic video. The background music is foreverland by comfi beats and all the assets and fonts used are the same as in the original poster. 

Final animated infographic video, Week 7


This project was fun and challenged me to create a simple infographic despite the amount of information that was provided. The recipe is seemingly simple yet the number of steps for ingredient prep was surprising in number. Creating each asset also made me realise how much I liked using Illustrator to draw. 


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