Intercultural Design

10/01/2022 - 03/03/2022 // (Week 1 - Week 8)
Denise Anjali // 0342430
Intercultural Design // Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Theme: Visualism - Visual Culture


Week 2: Guest Lecture (Mr Vinod)
Visual culture and what constitutes culture. Culture can be defined as 
1. the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement
2. the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a society
3. that which revolves around a certain discipline or craft and its uses

About School Emblems
Malaysian school emblems (and even our government coat of arms) are descended from medieval European visual heritage, known as heraldry. Heraldry was born from the need to identify groups of individuals. Heraldry has many customs relating to their designs and rules that help create an official emblem. 
Due to lack of awareness of the heraldic origins, many emblems in Malaysia are poorly constructed or do not follow the heraldic customs & principles. Mr Vinod has an Instagram page where he redesigns school emblems to fit heraldic customs while retaining their original elements (@myheraldry). One exception would be Chinese school badges. In China, Chinese school badges generally did not have visual elements. In Malaysia however, our Chinese schools started adopting heraldic principles but without awareness of their customs. 


Project 1: Proposal 

I became part of Group 23 and I ended up in a group with Sheryl Anusree, Sarah Li-Yen Pal, Nuzhat Sumaila Rashid, Nicole Kendi, and Sham Hassan. We started with idea brainstorming and eventually decided on 3 topics to cover in the proposal. 

Image 1.1: Idea brainstorming on MIRO, Week 1

This is the proposal slides which we presented during Week 4 for the proposal presentation. We settled on 3 topics: Street Art of KL, Dia de los Muertos, and Comparisons of Mythological Creatures between Cultures. I worked on the research for the street art section and the majority of the mythological creatures section. I also created sketches for the idea proposal sections for both those topics.

Image 1.2 Street art hunting app idea sketches

Image 1.3: Mythological creatures visual novel idea sketches

After receiving feedback from the lecturers, we reworked the proposal and further researched into the chosen topic of street art. 

Project 2: Data Collection & Analysis

For data collection, we went on a site visit to the Jalan Telawi area in Bangsar. There is a lot of graffiti and street art in that area and it is easily walkable. The other methods we used were in-person interviews and online questionnaires. 
Site visit photos:

Final Project

Before creating the final work, we had all come up with sketches for the street art style mural proposal. Here are my sketches: 

Image 1.4: First sketch

Image 1.5: Second sketch

For the final artwork, I also created the graffiti text that would be beside the final piece for the design studios. The original was too straight-laced and I thought it could incorporate the street art style better. 

Image 1.6: Graffiti style motivational quote

This is the final poster which we presented at the final presentation. We showcased the final artwork and a short summary of the rationale, proposal, and data collection. 


Week 4:
The initial research for the proposal was lacking, 'too surface level' and didn't go in depth enough. The ideas are unsuitable. The game idea would be too time consuming to create and require too much research. The street art app idea is too generic, nothing makes it stand out from simple going on google maps.

Week 6:
It was suggested to us that our final work could be inspired by the advertisement and PSA style street art we saw to create a street art style mural that had similar themes. Particularly the PSA or motivational element. Overall our data collection was good but could be better explained in the slides.


It was a challenge to complete this project due to time constraints and uncooperative groupmates. Despite these challenges, we managed to complete the project nonetheless, which is something at least. I do wish we could have done more but it is too late for wishes. The data collection part was very eye-opening to me personally. I initially thought that most graffiti would be very rough and only polished, commissioned street art would be aesthetically pleasing. However, we discovered aesthetic graffiti tags and throw-ups as well as the typical more polished street art. The discovery that a lot were also for the sake of advertising or had a PSA/motivational theme was interesting and led us down a different rabbit hole which ended up helping us decide on a final product. 


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