Interactive Design - Exercises

03/04/2023 - xx/xx/2023 // (Week 1 - Week x)
Denise Anjali // 0342430
Interactive Design // Bachelor of Design in Creative Media


Week 1
In class, we were given a group activity to find 3 good website designs and 3 bad website designs from . We had to present what made them a good or bad website alongside their purpose and intended audiences. Here is the link to the excel template for our group:

Week 2
This week's group activity was to create a paper prototype based on the scenario given to us. Our scenario was to design a new social media platform for a specific interest group, such as fans of a particular TV show or hobby. 
We decided to focus on fans of movies and films. Our main objective of the website was to allow fans to post reviews and interact with the posts of other users. We came up with a few other uses, such as watch lists that track movies that have been seen, creating movie tier lists, and viewing movies' information. 

Image of paper prototype, Week 2 (10/04/2023)

The feedback given to us for this activity by the test user and the lecturer were that the buttons did not have clear and intuitive icons. For websites, typically words were used instead of icons given that there was more space compared to mobile apps. Our prototype was also lacking pages that would pop up when using our website. 


Exercise 1 - Website Analysis
We are instructed to conduct website analysis on 2 chosen websites from this provided link ( We are to write a summarized report of no more than 500 words. 

PDF 1.1: Website analysis document, Week 1 (09/04/2023)

Exercise 2 - Website Replication 
We are instructed to replicate the entire landing pages of two websites using either Photoshop or Illustrator. This was to allow us to understand the intricacies of a website's design and typically what made up a good landing page. 


General feedback:
Specific feedback:




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