Video & Sound Production - Project 1

01/09/2023 - 22/09/2023 // (Week 1 - Week x)
Denise Anjali // 0342430
Video & Sound Production // Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Project 1: Audio Dubbing & Editing


Week x: Title


Project 1A: Audio Dubbing

We are instructed to add audio (dialogue, ambient noise and sound effects) to a muted video clip from the movie Munich (2005). To do so, we have to record the dialogue ourselves as well as any sound effects we found necessary. Sound effects and ambient noise could also be found online. 

Using a spreadsheet, some of us worked in a group to record the dialogue on our phones and find the relevant sound effects.

After downloading the recorded dialogue and found sound effects, time came to start arranging the audio clips in accordance to the video. My way of editing it was by going along the video and putting in the relevant sounds in order, rather than by working layer by layer. 

Image 1.1: Imported audio clips

Image 1.2: Adjusting the volume of clips

I did apply some effects on certain audio clips, particularly the dialogue audio clips. Using the DeNoise effect helped remove background sound from the clips and the Pitch Shifter helped to make the voices more accurate to the characters in the scene. As can be seen below, I used many audio tracks to separate the various types of audio. 

Image 1.3: Premiere Pro audio tracks timeline

Finally, I added exponential fade to the audio clips to ease the fade in / fade out transition. 

Image 1.4: Final Premiere Pro timeline

Here is the final edited audio dubbed video. 

Video: Completed audio dubbing

Project 1B: Sound Shaping

This project introduced us to Adobe Audition and the manipulation of audio on a more precise level than available in Premiere Pro. Using the instructions provided in the slides, we had to edit the same dialogue into 4 different scenarios in Adobe Audition. 

Image 2.1: Phone call editing workspace

Image 2.2: In a closet editing workspace

Image 2.3: In a bathroom stall editing workspace

Image 2.4: In an underground cave editing workspace


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