Video & Sound Production - Final Project

01/09/2023 - 01/12/2023 // (Week 1 - Week 14)
Denise Anjali // 0342430
Video & Sound Production // Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Final Project


Final Project: Stop Motion Animation

The final project is to create a stop motion animation with sound effects as a complete animation. 

When coming up with the idea for the video, in general we agreed to cover the topic of anxiety. After some discussion, a storyboard was created to plan for the stop motion. The initial pages were the first story idea and a general character design. After feedback on the story, an updated storyboard was drawn on the following pages with a clearer source of the anxiety, which is the fear of public speaking and with a resolution. 

PDF of the stop motion storyboard

Then came to the most time consuming part of the process, animating the story. This was done mostly using blu-tack to keep the pieces of the characters in place so that only certain parts would be moved during animation. The pieces and backdrop were all created using cardstock paper in various colours. 

Screenshot of some of the JPEGs of the frames

All the frames were imported to Premiere Pro and nested to form a video clip for easier editing. Then sound effects were found and added to the video in relevant sections. All the sound effects used were found on

Premiere Pro workspace after adding and arranging sound effects

Music was added to serve as a backing to the entire video. The original source of the music is dreamy nightmares by comfi beats on YouTube. The volume of the sound effects were keyframed and added crossfade to make them flow in the video smoother. 

Adding effects and keyframes to the sound effects

Below is the final stop motion animation video as uploaded on YouTube. 

Final edited stop motion animation video


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