Sonic Design - Project 1
xx/xx/2024 - xx/xx/2024 // (Week 5 - Week x)
Denise Anjali // 0342430
Design // Bachelor of Design in Creative Media
Project 1: Auditory
Project 1: Auditory Imaging
From the themes given to us in the MIB, we are instructed to come up with a story as a guideline for the project. I chose to go with the theme 'Everyday Home Life + Background'. I wanted to evoke the image of the average morning that I might have and wrote based on that.
Before writing the story in a paragraph format, I wrote down the potential sequence of events that might occur as an outline to help me with the long form writing as follows :
[Waking up + getting out of bed > brushing teeth and washing face > going downstairs > turning on computer > boiling water and heating food > opening the curtains > oven dings and food is retrieved > sitting down and eating]
'Morning Routine' storyline PDF
Based on the storyline, the parts were broken down and the sound effects
necessary were listed as a checklist for myself while looking for the sound
effects. All sound effects were sourced from
Part 1 - Waking
Room ambience √
Alarm sound - silenced, phone dropping on bed √
Sheets rustling √
bed creaking √
switch flick √
light flickering √
electric humming ambience √
Part 2 - Wash up
bathroom ambience √
slipper footsteps √
door open √
faucet turning on and off √
water splashing on face √
water drips √
birds chirping √
Part 3 - Downstairs
footsteps √
door close √
off switch √
footsteps downstairs √
Switch flick √
room ambience √
Part 4 - Daily
kitchen ambience √
computer start up √
footsteps √
filling kettle √
plastic rustling √
plate on wood √
toaster push down √
electric beeps
water boiling √
chair drag √
sitting √
water boiling slows down √
toaster pop √
I followed the story and arranged the sounds in order of appearance. Some sounds such as the footsteps I found were adjusted using previously taught effects such as parametric equaliser and reverb to achieve a certain sound.
I followed the story and arranged the sounds in order of appearance. Some sounds such as the footsteps I found were adjusted using previously taught effects such as parametric equaliser and reverb to achieve a certain sound.
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