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Advanced Animation - Exercises

22/04/2024 - xx/xx/2024 // (Week 1 - Week x) Denise Anjali // 0342430 Advanced Animation // Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Exercises LECTURES Week 1: MIB  Using Blender to explore 3D animation.  Week 2: Animation Fluidity A refresher of the concepts taught to us during animation fundamentals. Timing covers the duration of the animation, pause (hold), and variation in speed. Spacing differs from 2D in that 3D animation used the graph editor rather than by seeing the space between frames.  Week 3: Flexibility  The animation principles of squash and stretch, and drag and follow through. Squash and stretch applies to the shape of an elastic object where it stretches at high speeds and squashes upon impact. Drag and follow through regards jointed parts and appendages like limbs, hair or cloth.  Week 5: Clarity Clarity in animation makes sure that the story telling is clear and easy to understand using various animation principles. Character (action, expression, personality), backg

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