Introduction to Creative Writing - E-Portfolio
25/09/2024 - 26/12/2024 // (Week 1 - Week 14) Denise Anjali // 0342430 Introduction to Creative Writing // Elective // Taylor's University Assignment 4: E-Portfolio Compilation LIST OF ASSIGNMENTS Assignment 1: Short Story Assignment 2: Monologue Assignment 3: Poetry Anthology AUTHOR INTRODUCTION Hello, my name is Denise. I've always had an interest in reading since a young age, particularly fiction. This briefly extended to a writing phase in high school and thus I wanted to explore creative writing in this module. Throughout this semester, I found that I was able to come up with ideas fairly easily but expanding on and refining the idea is where I struggle most. Especially given that I am in creative media and all my stories will typically manifest in a visual format. This was also my first time taking a stab at poetry, especially writing it with other people. Overall, I found this module helpful in developing my skills as a story teller...